Foot Clinic


Foot Pressure Measurement using Pedomed
Foot Pressure Measurement using Pedomed
Foot Pressure Measurement using Pedomed
Vascular deficiency is the result of blocks in the blood vessels that causes non healing ulcers and in very severe and rare instances amputations. Vascular insufficiency among diabetic patients leads to severe complications. Our comprehensive PC based Vascular Doppler Recorder identifies the existence of reduced blood flow to the legs thereby giving an early opportunity for treatment.

Diabetic Footwear
The primary goal of Diabetic footwear is to prevent complications, which can include strain, ulcers, calluses, corn or even amputations for patients with diabetes and poor circulation.
Neuropathy can also change the shape of a person’s feet, which limits the range of shoes that can be worn comfortably. We have a range of footwear to be worn always at home that is economical.High end fancy models are also available at reasonable cost.Those who require custom made footwear are given special modules to address individual needs