The center has also the objective of individualizing the needs of patients and to explore possibilities to improve the diabetes care. The Objective of the Centre is Prevention of Diabetes and its Complications at the Primary stage itself, which leads to the patient leading a full, normal life. In addition to this, the Centre aims to educate the public and family physicians in diabetes care. All services have been benchmarked as per the standards and recommendations of the American Diabetes Association, Associations of Physicians of India and World Health Organization (WHO) for investigations, diagnosis and treatment of Diabetes and its related specialties. We are a Patient friendly organization, with specific emphasis on providing excellent care for our patients with diabetes.
We at our Diabetes Care Centre advise and educate our patients on the benefits of Out Patient (OP) treatment, with home based Medical Management of Diabetes effectively supervised by our Consultant Diabetologist. By restricting the Inpatient admissions only in case of emergencies, we are able to bring down the total cost of Diabetes care to the minimum. In addition patients are able to keep a strict control on their blood sugar levels by their own effort through proper consumption of diet & medication life style changes and a scientific diet tailored to individual needs. The result is a full and normal life despite diabetes.
Our Consultants
Diabetology – M.D., F.R.C.P.,(Lond, Edin, Glas)Fellowship in Diabetologist ( Sweden)Chairman & Managing DirectorChief Consultant Diabetologist Prof.
Diabetology –MB Fellowship in Diabetology (Sweden) FELLOWSHIP IN DIABETES (SWEDEN) Qualification Awards & Achievements Dr